Friday, 7 June 2013

Why Cancer is Like a Frog

The Science of Failure... as Cancer Outsmarts Chemo Drugs!


Please allow me to explain why cancer is like a frog. A bizarre thought, but it involves a CORE PRINCIPLE...that might explain the following dilemma in fighting cancer; why chemo drugs often fail... or even make the situation far worse. You see, all lifeforms (including cancer) are programmed to SURVIVE...

 "Current strategies fail because cancer cells EVOLVE new ways to beat drugs -- or hide from them. Today's surgery, radiation and chemotherapy cannot always find and destroy them before they destroy us." (

The current talk in the science world is about how cancer is able to outsmart their drugs.
According to the science based web site Cure Cancer Project: 
"After 50 years and 200 billion dollars we have not cured cancer. Last year alone, over 570,000 Americans and 7,000,000 people worldwide died of cancer. Why?"

(A sobering thought is that the vast majority of the above victims will have been treated with conventional toxic treatments... such as chemotherapy!)

Unfortunately, they fail to see that the PROBLEM is the...TOXIC TREATMENT!
Chemotherapy drugs are designed to interfere with natural processes...with toxic effects.

Hint: chemotherapy drugs are declared to be carcinogenic.

Should you be stupid enough to attack a tiger with a spade, you will probably get a ferocious and frightening response. Trying it again with a bigger and better-designed spade, will probably end with a very predictable outcome!
This is the nature of the beast. But this is a feature of most biological organisms. To survive they must fight, adapt, change or mutate. We see this with viruses and super-bugs.

Why cancer is like a frog: 

 It is said that if you put a frog into a pan of hot water, it will leap out instantly with immense speed! Injured perhaps, but alive!

Yet if you put a frog into cold water and heat very gently, it will fail to realise the danger and so will slowly be overcome, and gradually cooked to death.                                                                                        

Please note: The above is a essentially a metaphor. Whether literally true is not too important. Some experiments done in the 19th century suggest this happens, if the water is heated very very slowly. The main point being that if hit with a massive and obvious threat to life, reaction is automatic and instant, as per natures common built-in survival mechanism.
In the hot water scenario, the frog is equipped with a natural inbuilt reflex or auto-response, which helps it survive any such threat or danger. (Survival mechanisms are common in living things)

In the cold water situation, the frog was duped by a plan based on knowledge of how nature tends to work in most species. (The auto survival mechanism is nullified or disarmed)
Likewise, cancer cells respond to toxic assault, trying to survive by any means possible. Some will likely adapt and mutate in the wrong way, and die out. Others will mutate in a way that has resistance to the drugs. Patently only the toughest and best adapted will survive such toxicity. These then become the new generation, with added capability and more deadly survival mechanisms.
Of course much of this need not happen. Natural non-toxic treatments are akin to the COLD WATER method... They pose no obvious threat, and appear to be safe natural substances familiar to these (formerly normal) cells, and thus of no obvious threat.......until it's too late!

Natural strategies can slowly render cancer helpless, by a variety of means and methods. Cancer becomes weaker, while the immune system becomes stronger, and the whole body becomes healthier. The system is now in a position to take control back, and overthrow cancer!
There are many ways to achieve this. For a start, cancer, (which requires 15 TIMES MORE GLUCOSE than normal cells) can be subject to a much reduced supply of sugar...(by a major change of diet). It can also be made to live in a much more alkaline environment than it ideally needs...etc etc etc.. In short, with the right strategy and protocol, you can potentially outsmart cancer and put it out of business.

And...because you have healed and improved the whole system, instead of just zapping a tumour or two, you are in a much safer position regarding likely cancer in the future. This is at least the theory, which I tend to consider should be at the heart of all cancer treatment....with chemo drugs perhaps being only employed as a last resort.

And Cockroaches Too... 

Cockroaches shock scientists as love for sugar evolves to evade dying through sugar traps!! Proof that living things quickly mutate and adapt to survive mans poisons.

If you are in doubt about natures built-in survival mechanisms...
 Cockroaches' sense of taste evolves away from sugar traps.
"A mutant strain of cockroach that can outsmart the sugar traps used to kill them has evolved, scientists in the US have found.
The US team of researchers say the insects have "reorganised" their sense of taste so they perceived the glucose used to coat poisoned bait as bitter rather than sweet."
In other words, a strain of "mutant" cockroaches have EVOLVED in just a few decades, that now detest their favourite type of foods like sugar..and jam etc, .and now prefer other things like peanut butter. This is what organisms do to survive.These cockroaches were being slaughtered by "sugar traps". The response?  Their genes had to change the taste buds and adapt, or the slaughter would inevitably continue. If they now taste sugar, they instantly spit it out! And their offspring will continue to do the same.
 Nature is extremely smart!!
A scientist goes on to say that this is akin to what we see with resistance to other things like rat poisons and various medications etc.
Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work by Tanya Harter Pierce. ( AUTHOR )

Instead of CANCER outsmarting the (chemo) treatment... 

NATURAL TREATMENTS work by outsmarting cancer!!

 If you have followed the above reasoning so far, you may understand that cancer can become a formidable opponent when attacked with toxic drugs. But that is the exact opposite of the natural approach, which can be a much more effective tactic in most cases. Tanya Harter Pierce explains below how effective alternative treatments can be.
Outsmart Your Cancer was the first book I read when I was diagnosed with cancer, and facing 6 months of chemo. There are a good number of alternative treatments explained, so as to provide a considerable choice. It is essential to at least have an understanding of what's out there and available to try. Many of these treatments have been devised by highly qualified people with medical or scientific backgrounds who have an approach that exploits the few weak spots unique to cancer cells.

See the bottom video for a good overview.

Videos that explain the basic ideas in Outsmart Your Cancer, by Tanya Harter Pierce

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Incurable Terminal Cancer Cured with a Few Cheap Supplements!

Incurable Cancer Bites the Dust! The Allan Taylor Story

Yet another story confirms that natural cancer cures work...or is it just one huge coincidence?

This story shows that cancer can be eliminated by special diet and supplements that change the inner environment from cancer cancer elimination.

Daily Mail Report:

"Did this grandfather, 78, really beat 'incurable' cancer just by changing his diet? Extraordinary story of the man who got 'all-clear' after swapping red meat and dairy products for 10 fruit and veg a day."  (Daily Mail)

Read Full Story:

Note: This is not about a man simply"changing his diet" as inferred by the news reports, but doing something in line with scientifically understood principals employed within  many alternative cancer protocols. The fact that this has worked for this man, is no mere coincidence. If there was no validity to these anti-cancer methods, this man would not have reversed his (terminal) cancer. Had he instead been given a brand new chemo drug undergoing trials, this would have been hailed as a major breakthrough with massive publicity worldwide!. Instead this mans achievement will be totally ignored by the medical profession.

The Mirror Report:

When doctors told ­Allan Taylor he had incurable cancer, he ­decided he wasn’t ­just going to give up and die.
Instead the 78-year-old grandfather determinedly searched the internet for help.
And when he found what he was looking for, he began an intensive alternative diet to try to cure his sickness.
It included powdered grass, curry spices, apricot seeds and selenium tablets.
Now, four months later, retired oil rig engineer Allan has had the “all-clear” from doctors.
“I got a letter on April 30 and I was told there was no point having any more chemotherapy, it wouldn’t cure me and neither would an ­operation,” he says.
“They said if they cut out the cancer it would just pop up somewhere else. But I was determined to stay positive and decided to find my own cure.
“On August 6 I got a letter from North Tees hospital to say a scan had shown my cancer had gone and ‘the abnormality is no ­longer visible’. I’m all clear.

Allan’s ordeal began when he noticed a two-inch lump in his abdomen last ­February. He was sent for a scan and told he had colon cancer.
Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook

As reported here:  (The Mirror)

Looking at the photo's of this man with his supplements, the pictures could have been taken in MY kitchen, using MY supplements. And it's clear we have used  similar reasoning and come to do something very similar having trawled through the Internet and weighed the evidence.

His basic devised protocol is stated to be:

An alkaline diet,  with bottled water.
10 raw fruit and veg  portions every day.
Barleygrass powder
Vitamin C
Bitter apricot kernels
75 mg aspirin

Cost: Around £32.00 per week!  

(Note: Barleygrass contains, amongst other things, 25 times the potassium of bananas, 10 times the calcium of milk, 45 times the vitamin B2 of lettuce and 5 times the iron of spinach.)

Update 7/25/13- Allan had a full body scan this week, and the hospital confirmed that he remains cancer free.

MY CANCER STORY, by Allan Taylor, age 78: (In his own words)  from


‘Late in 2010 I visited my doctor to check out a lump at the top of my stomach, which caused a small degree of pain.  He prodded around but said that I had nothing to worry about. As the lump then grew harder and larger I decided to visit another doctor in the same practise. I was given a second, thorough examination and once again reassured that all was well. I left the surgery feeling that maybe I should stop worrying.
‘But six weeks later, I was still not happy. Less sure than his colleagues, a third GP arranged an appointment at the South Cleveland Hospital. I had a colonoscopy -  a camera investigation from my rear - and an endoscopy – through my mouth -  and was told there and then that there was a problem Two biopsy samples were sent for analysis and a few days later I was recalled to be told that I had a large cancerous tumour of the colon, high up, close to my liver. There was no doubt about the diagnosis: on screen I could see for myself that the lesion was a whopper. 
‘Surgery was arranged for September 28th 2011, and my surgeon assured me he would do his best, though he did not seem totally confident of the outcome. Then, four days before the scheduled operation, I collapsed in the small hours, with agonising stomach pains. My daughter, who is a nurse, called an ambulance and I was rushed to James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, South Cleveland where I met a different surgeon, Mr Anil Reddy, who decided to operate at once. Read full story

How could this work? Well the main idea is to radically alter diet and thus your internal environment, creating a shock-wave of alkalinity, shifting from acidic [cancer promoting] terrain, to a terrain where cancer struggles to thrive. This approach, combined with substances known for strong anti-cancer prowess, can give the body enough advantage to overthrow cancer. Obviously this (crucially) also involves eliminating all junk foods and cancer promoting substances such as highly processed foods and sugar, otherwise you would be flogging a dead horse!

The official explanation to many such cases is that they must have been misdiagnosed. Yet most get to see their scans and tumours....and almost all have biopsies and other diagnostic tests specifically designed to avoid misdiagnosis... That's standard practise. In this case his cancer was obviously not in doubt.

I strongly believe that if you have the grit and determination to focus all your efforts, with single-minded purpose and belief in what you are doing, (like he did) and take the right foods and supplements to allow your body to do the job, then it definitely can eliminate cancer.

However he seems in little doubt as to (perhaps) the most significant aspect of his approach was...

The final, but perhaps the single most significant item on my healing menu, was apricot kernels. In North Pakistan there is a group of people called The Hunzakuts who are vegetarians. They eat about 40 apricots each day and always eat the kernels. It was noted that the Hunzakut people are cancer-free. These bitter kernels are well documented  in killing cancer cells. Kernels contain amagdylin which  contains four substances. Two are glucose; One is benzaldyhide, and the other is cyanide both of these are poisons, cyanide is bonded and locked within other molecular formations therefore cannot cause harm. Cancer cells are not normal they contain an enzyme that other do not share, beta-glucosidase. This enzyme, virtually exclusive to cancer cells, is considered the unlocking enzyme for amagdylin molecules. It releases both the benzaidyhide  and the cyanide creating a toxic synergy beyond their uncombined sum  This is what the cancer cell’s beta- glucosidase enzyme  dose to self  destruct cancer cells.
 Learning how the substances enter the cancer cells and destroy them, I started by taking eight kernels each day and built up to 54, taking 18 at each meal time. I had no side effects from taking either  the apricot kernels, or the Curcumin.  On the contrary, I felt on top of the world and believed that I was cured even before I got the results of my last scan to say they could not find cancer.

I too have taken many apricot kernels as a notable anti-cancer measure, and it appears to have a credible scientific basis, providing a biological destruction of cancer cells, as he explains, along with being a favourite food in a population noted to be devoid of cancer! (The Hunzacuts)  In any event, it appears to have very significant value against cancer.   Read full story

Well done Allan!

Apparently, Cancer Research UK showed no interest whatsoever in this mans case regarding incurable cancer, despite him approaching them. Nobody is remotely interested! As I have said, there is no interest paid to silly people who cure their own cancer! See the link below for that page.

More info on apricot kernels and vitamin B17

World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17

Paperback + new DVD

THE BOOK; G. Edward Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease, like scurvy or pellagra, aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile. This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle. Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non-drug approach? The author contends that the answer is to be found, not in science, but in politics, and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment. This is the most complete and authoritative treatise available on this topic. 
THE DVD; This is a video adaptation of a documentary filmstrip which explains the scientific rationale for Laetrile therapy. It presents evidence that cancer, like scurvy or pellagra, is a deficiency disease. It is not caused by the presence of some mysterious virus or X- factor, but by the lack of an essential food factor which, increasingly, is deleted from the menus of modern man. The native diets of those cultures where cancer is rare is examined and found to be 200 times more rich in this substance than the diet of industrialized society. The missing food factor is called amygdalin or vitamin B17, but in its concentrated and purified form developed specifically for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile. A theoretical model for the biological action of Laetrile is presented. Included are dramatic case histories of terminal cancer patients who have recovered using Laetrile therapy.

Own a copy.

Other related blog posts....

Miraculous cancer survivors largely ignored

Alternative cancer miracle success stories...on this blog

Last but not least...

Listen, below is a fabulous video that will reveal the TRUTH about the history of cancer treatments, and the people determined to crush those that have discovered highly successful ways to eliminate cancer in very easy fashion. Check the FACTS revealed in the movie, and it is all a matter of historic record. As you will see, much of it has gone through the law courts in America, and is well documented in the press, where it becomes clear that vested interests and medical dogma will not allow a natural "quack" treatment to humiliate their profession and collapse their mega-profits system.

It is not actually about the baking soda cure, but covers several ultra successful cures. It is about 90 mins long, so I recommend you take the time to watch it, and become enlightened as to what has gone on, and is still going on.

Medical folly...
Incidentally, I have just watched a TV documentary about advanced cutting edge treatnets for cancer.  They insist on developing more and more complicated drugs, all of which unfortunately tend to create something they describe as  their worst enemy......DRUG RESISTANCE! Every time they attack a tumor with a given toxic chemo drug,  no matter how advanced and smart, the cancer cells resist and mutate and morph into something twice as deadly. They fail to see that this approach is the antithesis of how to control and eliminate cancer. Synthetic toxic drugs not only make the cancer far worse in many cases, but it also damages the vital organs and systems the body requires to maintain health!


Further reading:
Knowledge is key to surviving cancer. Most cancer victims are blissfully unaware of alternatives. When I was diagnosed with cancer I read every book on alternative cancer treatments I could get my hands on, and didn't care too much about the cost. It gave me hope, and a fantastic sense of confidence and faith regarding my chosen methods.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Cancer, and Why Clean Kitchens Don't Have Cockroaches

Why Clean Kitchens Don't Have Cockroaches

Concept: In nature, each biological entity, - from bacteria to dinosaurs - will have its own type of "ideal environment" in which it can thrive. Change that environment substantially, and it may not thrive. Millions of creatures have gone extinct because of this core principal. It is a fundamental truth of nature. I suggest cancer cells are no exception. (Proof supplied below)

Image AOL

Example of a bad idea! Planning officers reveal tiny homes with toilet in the kitchen AOL Story:

By way of analogy, I would refer to cockroaches, which are famously to be found in some of the worlds most awful restaurant kitchens, - (ask Gordon Ramsay!)

The point being IDEAL ENVIRONMENT. Filth, dirt, grime, mess, rotting food, and a thousand grubby hiding places...all present the perfect environment for cockroaches to thrive and breed!

But do you ever see cockroaches thriving in a spotlessly clean well kept kitchen?



Essential Logic: All lifeforms or organisms tend to have:

A/ Environments ideally suited to thrive

B/  Environments where they cannot thrive


In fact all lifeforms on Earth have what could be described as a specific “ideal environment” in which they will best thrive. Radically change that environment, and suddenly viability is endangered, or even impossible. This is proven by millions of species known to have gone extinct.

As cancer is clearly a life form, (biological entity) with unique specific needs to survive, it must be true that it too has an ideal environment in which to prosper.

But it must also be true that if we radically change that environment, it will radically change viability.

This is essentially what most alternative cancer treatments aim to achieve as a big part of the strategy to eliminate cancer. It is to eliminate the viable environment.


An ideal cancer environment?

Science confirms that cancer cells no longer consume oxygen, they instead survive on glucose for energy, - but require 17 times more of it than normal cells! Cancer cells thrive in an acidic cell environment, while normal cells function ideally in an alkaline environment. Obviously it is also IDEAL for cancer to have a weak immune system policing that environment.
Hint: Most of these things are, to a large degree, within our control through diet, lifestyle, and exercise. We can also AVOID behaviours that are helpful to cancer, such as flooding your bloodstream with glucose every day! (which is known to render your immune system dormant for several hours)

The Standard American Diet, (SAD) which is fast becoming the diet most of the world is consuming, is creating ideal conditions for creating and supporting cancer. Studies tend to prove this.

Note: In regard to the above cockroach infestation example, if we were to ignore the IDEAL ENVIRONMENT described, and follow the KILL policy (as preferred by standard cancer treatment for cancer) we would find a similar result. Bang!! we could blast them with a shotgun, we could poison them, we could zap them, We could gas them. But in all probability they would soon be back again, if the kitchen remains the same filthy ideal habitat for cockroaches!!

EXAMPLE: There are numerous way to deny cancer cells the ideal conditions needed to thrive. One way is to deny them the glucose they rely on to survive, as explained in this video.


I cover this subject in more detail here:


Cancer Is Not Exactly What You've Been Told!

The Truth About Cancer:

Cancer is the body's response to dangerously toxic build up, which is the final event in the life of a cell, which is struggling to stay alive and repair...which is then forced to mutate, and switch to a primative default mode, which now thrives without oxygen, and instead uses fermentation to survive.

Modern diet and lifestyle is building an inner environment ideal for building cancer...and other diseases, and dreadfully deficient in ability to maintain health.

Stop Building Disease Part 1 of 3

Listen to some wisdom on the subject. You will learn a lot here.

Stop Building Disease Part 2 of 3



Stop Building Disease Part 3 of 3


Healing Cancer With Common Sense with Dr. Thomas Lodi

In the words of Dr Thomas Lodi...If just eliminating the cancer was the solution, then the cure rate for cancer would be significantly higher. A truly comprehensive cancer treatment program must address how to keep the cancer from coming back:

Cited From:
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