Sunday, 25 August 2013

Alternative Cancer "Miracles" and Success Stories

Below I present evidence of some of the remarkable victories over cancer...and include some of the hardest most aggressive and hopeless cases that tends to prove something more than sheer luck.

Here we have PROOF obtained from the press and the internet involving credible sources, that shows how people are able to use alternative cancer treatments with great success...often despite being terminal!! 

(More will be added in due course)

Even When Conventional Medicine

Has Given Up Hope...

Nurses Story

Chemo nurse admits chemotherapy doesn't work...and when diagnosed with cancer herself, turned to Gerson therapy to banish her tumours!

Here we have a nurse who discovered she had very aggressive breast cancer that had spread from her arm pit to both breasts and her breast bone....and than to her lung. Virtually without hope, she decided to try Gerson. Find out what happened... In her own words...

Stage 4 Lung Cancer Patient Proves Hope Is Not Lost with Alternative Treatments

Lung Cancer Patient Now Cancer Free After Alternative Therapies at Sunridge Medical (News report) 

Another nurse: Janet's story:
Janet had stage IV lung cancer and was declared without hope of survival. But she was persuaded to try a Macrobiotic Diet, which involves no meat or dairy or sugar etc. Although she found it difficult, she is cancer free.

This TV newscast was originally produced by Channel 8 in Cleveland Ohio. Janet was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. After 6 months of following the macrobiotic regimen, her condition had improved markedly. After less than 2 years she was disease-free. A remarkable recovery testifying to the healing power of the macrobiotic cancer-prevention diet.

Another case where diet has played a major role.

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Patricia's Story

"We had very little hope. I had been diagnosed Stage 4, and probably 2 months to 2 years to live" 

(PRWEB) August 14, 2013
In December of 2012, Patricia was diagnosed with Lung cancer and underwent surgery to remove part of her lung. After finding the cancer was also in her lymph nodes, her surgery was followed by chemotherapy and radiation. Feeling sick and weak from the treatments, Patricia, a resident of Idaho, said she felt like she was dying. Her doctors were also losing faith. “We had very little hope. I had been diagnosed Stage 4, and probably 2 months to 2 years to live.” That’s when Pat and her family decided to try something else.
Patricia was initially diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer, and opted for surgery, chemo, and radiation, after which, it later transpired that she had stage 4 cancer. It had now spread and was evident from her pelvis to her liver, and up to her throat and even her tongue!! With this finding she was told she had only months to live. So she tried an alternative option... at Sunridge Medical, a research center in Scottsdale...  Full story

Interesting Quote on Addressing the Cause, from Sunridge:
"Although conventional medical treatments such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy have come a long way in their ability to eradicate cancer cells and tumors, these treatments are aimed only at the destruction of the tumor or malignancy and ignore, sometimes even aggravate, the underlying disease conditions which led to the formation of the cancer in the first place. Unless the cause and preconditions of the initial cancer occurrence are corrected, a high risk of disease progression and recurrence remains. Unfortunately, this is what we commonly see in the traditional medical system." Quote by Sunridge Medical...

 That tends to confirm a view expressed in my recent post: ABCDEFG = CANCER

Reverend George Malkmus

This man had colon cancer...with a tumor the size if a base ball....
hear how he cured a radical change of diet. 

A Change of Diet Cured My Cancer...

The Jane Plant Story:

Incurable Cancer Bites the Dust!

The Alen Taylor Story:

The story of Alen Taylor who was given a few months to live with incurable colon cancer that had spread to his intestines. See post:

Laetrile / B17


The Sandi Rog Story:

Did Mangosteen juice vanish this young mans cancer?

Jon's story

Jon's story: Describes natural victory over vicious Lymphoma...
Incredible story of a young man diagnosed with lymphoma in both lungs...and chemo was making things worse...

Cortney Campbell Story:

How I beat cancer...

Cortney Campbell, wife to Kevin, mother of two, teacher, and holistic cancer survivor. When I was diagnosed with cancer in 2008 there was just not enough information about non-toxic cancer therapies on the Web or anywhere. I knew that my heart called me to say "no" to conventional treatment, but the lack of support and resources for alternative treatments was disheartening....

In October of 2008 Cortney was diagnosed with Stage II Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. After weeks of testing confirmed by PET/CAT scans and a bone marrow biopsy, her and husband Kevin had to make a decision. Were they going to go with the oncologist’s recommendation of R-CHOP chemotherapy and radiation? There were so many unsettling factors. The type of Hodgkin’s she had was very rare and there were no conclusive studies on what type of conventional treatment was MOST effective. The chemotherapy that was suggested by her oncologist had many side effects, but the one she found completely unbearable was infertility.

Read her story and reasons why she chose alternative cancer treatment. In fact she chose the  Bill Henderson Protocol  as I did. She is currently fine and well...and judging by the photo's of recent offspring, has no problem with infertility!!

Full story here: Green Drink Diaries

Rod Peterson' story

Rod Peterson from Canada had kidney cancer which, following surgery, had spread to the lungs. He was told there was nothing more to be done, and to go home and relax because there was no further treatment that could save his life. However, after some intensive research,  he made a brave decision...

Freds Story

Fred Hatfield was given three months to live by three different doctors, but he cured himself of his cancer with a low carb (ketogenic diet) and is still clear of cancer a year later.

Ann Cooper's story

Deadly pancreatic cancer gone!

Diagnosed almost 13 years earlier, Ann tells her story of how she beat one of the most feared of all cancers mainly with diet and suppliments...chiefly pancreatic enzymes.

Jay Kordich Story

Lethal bladder cancer gone!

While still at collage Jay was diagnosed with bladder cancer, normally considered fatal by the medical profession in those days. What did he do? He hitch-hiked from LA to New York to seek treatment from visionary Doctor,  Max this video explains

Lisa's Story

Stage 3 melanoma

Healing Cancer from the Inside Out...
See what is really going on. The real statistics. The lies, and the smoke and mirrors employed to convince us that conventional cancer treatment is making "BREAKTHROUGH after BREAKTHROUGH...almost monthly, yet 5 year survival rates for some cancers remain at zero.

Meanwhile, with the right protocol, ordinary people are able to cure their own cancer at home or with minimal help using safe non-toxic natural treatments. The evidence is legion.

A great book on the subject of alternative cancer treatments is written by Ty Bollinger, called  Cancer: Step Outside The Box  (instant download)

Or available on Amazon (paperback) here:

Available on Amazon (paperback) here:  Cancer: Step Outside the Box

More Laetrile success stories...

Laetrile Case Histories: The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience

Laetrile, or B17, has been used to treat cancer with great effect. This book supplies case histories from a clinic and the doctor's actual records, providing ample evidence of how effective this treatment can be, especially as many are regarding late-stage cancers where the patient has been given only a short time to live.

This new, updated and revised edition includes a follow up 30 years after the patients were diagnosed with incurable cancer. Proof is in the actual life-span of these people who, previously, had been told by their doctors that they had just a few months or weeks to live. Cases include...


Man : patient "M136TB"
Age when cancer was detected : 17
Year of diagnose : 1975
Statistical life expectancy : less than a year
Life extension : alive and well after 30 years in 2005


Name : John Peterson
Age when cancer was detected : 61
Year of diagnose : 1973
Statistical life expectancy : a year
Life extension : 13 years, died at age 74 in 1986


Woman : patient "H132I"
Age when cancer was detected : 59
Year of diagnose : 1973
Life extension : 27 years; died at age 86 in 2000


Name : Lorraine Ford
Age when cancer was detected : 60
Year of diagnose : 1974
Statistical life expectancy : 6 months
Life extension : 5 years; died at age 65 in 1979

Tried first chemotherapy, to no avail.


Name : Lorette Lau
Age when cancer was detected : 61
Year of diagnose : 1975
Statistical life expectancy : a year
Life extension : 22 years; died at age 83 in 1997

Read reviews / buy the book

Sunday, 4 August 2013

A Change of Diet Cured My Cancer! (A Common Cry)

How A Change of Diet Cured My Cancer!

By Professor Jane Plant CBE

This story is one of many on record whereby a radical change of diet has quickly eradicated cancer!

Professor Jane Plant CBE, one of Britain's most eminent scientists, contracted breast cancer in 1987. She had FIVE recurrences and a double mastectomy, and by 1993 the cancer had spread to her lymph system. It reached a point where orthodox medicine gave up and she was told that she only had three months to live. (As reported in the Daily Mail Online)

Extract of Daily Mail article: "And then one day, it all made sense - and what I discovered that day was to change my life for ever. It was six years after I was first diagnosed, and my family and I had been to hell and back. I'd had so many gruelling operations - a mastectomy, 12 sessions of chemotherapy and 35 radiotherapy treatments, and despite everything, I was still left with a lump the size of half a boiled egg sticking out of my neck."

She goes on...."It was a secondary cancer, since the disease had reached my lymph system, and I was absolutely fed up. I'd just had a session of chemotherapy which had had no effect on this latest large lump - I was measuring it with callipers, so I knew". It's hard to explain to a non-scientist the mental and emotional buzz you get when you know that you have just had an important insight. It's as if you have had a lot of jigsaw pieces in your mind and suddenly the whole picture becomes clear. My husband Peter is also a scientist - and he had recently come back from a trip to China.

We were musing on why so few Chinese women get breast cancer - their incidence of the disease is one in 100,000 - and what was different about their way of life, and it suddenly struck me that they just didn't have any dairy products in their diet. I eliminated all dairy produce from my diet immediately - I had been eating organic yoghurt to help my digestive tract recover from the chemotherapy, but I also threw out anything containing milk products, from biscuits to soups and even some forms of margarine.

Within days, the lump began to itch, then to soften and shrink, until, after six weeks, it had vanished altogether. Full article:


I have unearthed many such cases, and will publish more on this blog. Orthodox medicine and "Cancer Research" organisations tend not to investigate such "miracles"...I'm not quite sure why (?), but then nobody is going to get a Nobel Prize and life changing fame and fortune for recognising what others have already discovered. (Namely that a radical change of deny the enemy perfect conditions and terrain, can often be a way to defeat cancer.)

Logical Explanation?

Having read Dr Scott-Mumby's book Diet Wise, I am aware that intolerance to foods is widespread and commonplace. Thus it seems very likely that because we are all different, some people that have an unknown food allergy or intolerance, (milk in this case perhaps) will have a system that is, (due to this disposition), at a significant disadvantage when such a disease strikes. Such a problem could easily be hampering the immune system, which may obviously allow cancer to thrive with little resistance to its progress. Eliminating that problem food may be one trump card that can turn the tables on cancer.

On the other hand, some experts suggest that it's "animal protein" -in itself - that is a major promoter of cancer. (Or too much thereof) The China Study (a book by Professor T. Colin Cambell PhD) shows clear evidence that cancer in rats can be turned on and off at will, simply by increasing, or decreasing animal protein to their diet. Interestingly, the protein used in these experiments was cows milk protein, (casein).

Most alternative cancer protocols involve eliminating all meat and dairy, (animal protein) at least for a reasonable period of time.

What to Do...and What NOT to Do, to Reverse Cancer

Founder of the American Anti-Cancer Institute

Here's a doctor who gives us insights into how diet and supplements can be far more effective...and far safer, than chemo drugs, and explains why this approach works so well.

Logical Formula to Beat Cancer Without Toxic Chemo Drugs

Is Standard Cancer Treatment Logical? Why Conventional Cancer Treatments Turn Logic Upside Down!

Science often reminds us about the concept of CAUSE and EFFECT, yet in most treatments relating to chronic disease, such as cancer, the cause is often treated as of little importance.

The important scientific principle of "cause and effect" is largely ignored by modern medicine! Why?  Read on to find out...

The following is a formula that sums up the prime logic of the strategy I personally followed, based on a variety of sources and approaches.

Presenting the Formula:



(Total lack of viability for cancer to thrive)  

This theory is explained in detail below.

Note: With the correct approach it is possible to hopefully reverse cancer and eliminate it altogether. Alternatively at least make it largely unviable to the extent that it is no longer a rampant danger, and instead becomes something that is so  restricted that it is much more containable, or virtually inactive.
Things that ensure rapid cancer growth are:
High sugar intake,
acidic body pH,
High stress levels,
Poor diet and deficiencies
And others, see below.

First the context:


If you suffer a car crash or fall off a ladder, or have a heart attack... the Medical Profession is magnificent. Emergency treatment is often the difference between life and death. All the treatments (such as drugs and surgery etc) are designed to quickly address the effect of whatever has befallen you. With such a medical emergency obviously we CANNOT address the it's patently far too late for that. (at least for you!

However, this same basic approach is usually extended to chronic disease too, even though we are often in a position whereby we CAN address the cause. It is nowhere near too late in most cases. Yet the same mindset and approach seem to prevail. They address the EFFECTS (symptoms) but largely ignore the actual CAUSE. (apart from giving you a leaflet on lifestyle, perhaps.) For most people this usually means drugs drugs and more drugs... and some surgery if deemed helpful.

"Unless the cause and preconditions of the initial cancer occurrence are corrected, a high risk of disease progression and recurrence remains."
Sunridge Medical: Alternative Treatment Clinic

Obviously [initially] it is indisputably important to treat and relieve the symptoms of chronic disease, such as pain etc, but this should be followed by addressing the causes with a protocol of measures designed to eliminate those causes, and truly allow the body to repair and heal itself, - as it usually can, - if you take away the main causes. Conventional medicine rarely employs this logic. Most patients go home and unwittingly continue to promote their chronic disease! Doctors have little to offer but surgery and drugs.

This is the Achilles heel of modern medical practise,

Treatment Motives: Doctors are trained to recognise the symptoms of disease and treat them, - not remove the CAUSE of the disease.

There is no doubt as to the integrity and higher motives of doctors and others in the medical profession regarding cancer. Unfortunately they carry out their training to the letter!

In other words, they are intensively trained to think, analyse, calculate, and SEE the world with a type of tunnel vision, whereby for almost every medical problem the solution must be a pharmaceutical drug.

They are bombarded with related literature and propaganda on a daily basis, and commonly receive generous gifts from pharmaceutical companies and vested interests.  Actual HEALING is a totally different concept altogether. Any doctor who departs from standard practise, risks their licence and career. It takes a brave doctor to cross over to a more sane approach. But thankfully there are some who do.

The problem being...that most of these drugs are harmful and dangerous.

Doctors on strike = huge fall in death rates!!
According to various sources, when doctors go on strike anywhere in the world, death rates dramatically fall! 

With doctors on strike, one might assume the death rate would go up. But this is never the case.

Referring to a strike in Israel...

To find out whether the industrial action was affecting deaths in the country, the Jerusalem Post interviewed Jewish burial societies, which perform funerals for the vast majority of Israelis.  Hananya Shahor, the veteran director of Jerusalems Kehilat Yerushalayim burial society said, "The number of funerals we have performed has fallen drastically."  Meir Adler, manager of the Shamgar Funeral Parlour, which buries most other residents of Jerusalem, declared with much more certainty: Referring to strikes... "There definitely is a connection between the doctors sanctions and fewer deaths. We saw the same thing in 1983 when the Israel Medical Association applied sanctions for four and a half months."

And to ensure we don't easily understand most of what they do...and maintain their authority and power over mere mortals, they employ a secret language with words devised from LATIN!

Note: It is a common criticism that alternative treatments have not undergone normal clinical trials. But... as one doctor had to admit, although all pharmaceutical drugs go through stringent trials, there are NO TRIALS WHATSOEVER regarding the effects of a [combination] involving several drugs...and how they might react in relation to one another. As MANY patients are prescribed multiple types of different drug, the doctor is actually giving a treatment combo that has never been trialed!! Thus they are essentially using guesswork, and hope for minimal side effects to occur. Any side effects that do occur will of course be treated with further drugs!

Forget the Underlying Causes! Blitz the Symptoms!!

Hint: If they treat and cure or eliminate the fundamental cause of someones ill health...they shut down all earning potential from that patients disease. Not a good business model!!

Instead, doctors 'maintain' a persons illness, not cure or eliminate it.

To continue:
Remember, if there is an EFFECT, there must be a CAUSE. In other words, cancer is being created by causal factors, not simply appearing from nothing. Thus it follows that this tumour has arisen from various factors that help it to come into existence and thrive. And cancer cannot thrive without something approaching fairly ideal circumstances within the body, (see below) otherwise everyone would have malignant tumours. The fact is, (when healthy) we have very significant defences against cancer. When cancer is found, there is definite reason. Putting aside genetic disposition cases, which are said to be rare, there are always causal factors. The problem with blitzing the symptoms is that you leave the underlying fundamental CAUSES still in place.

The scientific principal of cause and effect must apply.

Incidentally, the medical profession refer to something called "SPONTANEOUS REMISSION" when someones cancer disappears without explanation. They imply it simply vanished. Yet the scientific principal of cause and effect suggests no such thing can happen -without a logical CAUSE. Research has  found that a whopping 87% of such people had switched diets, usually to a plant-based vegetarian type diet.

We are told that the fundamental cause of cancer is largely chemicals and toxins, referred to as "carcinogens". So why attempt to cure cancer with carcinogenic toxic drugs? And why are the underlying causes of cancer largely ignored when it comes to treatment of this disease by conventional medicine?

The ABCDEFG Formula

Neutralising the fundamental cuases of cancer: What are they?
When I talk of CAUSES, I also refer to the DRIVERS of cancer. Not just the heat source or spark (carcinogen) that caused the Forest fire in the first place, but also the fuel and other factors that ensure it can burn, thus sustaining the blaze.

Main CAUSES and DRIVERS of cancer include:

  •  A/  Toxicity: (incl carcinogens)

  •  B/  A weak or impaired immune system

  •  C/  Poor diet (lacking essential elements)

  •  D/  Enzyme and nutrient deficiencies

  •  E/  Poor oxygenation of cells

  •  F/  Acidic body pH

  •  G/  Chronic stress factors  

What you see here is burden and overload, which limits the body's (normal) ability to self-heal and deal vigorously with mutating cells in the first place. Under such disadvantage, it cannot recover, without serious help. This means rectifying the above problems.

All of the above promote and sustain cancer. The above health issues are largely associated with diet and lifestyle, common to Western culture. Of course, all of the above issues are not impossible to treat or reverse. In fact within a matter of weeks, a huge improvement is possible in many cases. This is proven fact, and not difficult. All are normally fixable.

It gets better... because when you improve one problem issue, you automatically help to improve some of the others. This is because chronic stress for example, is known to create acidity, and impact the immune system.  And obviously poor diet is responsible for a number of other listed factors. Toxicity impacts the whole system. And when you detoxify, you obviously help everything related to your health.

In fact, because these things are intrinsically linked, and have such a positive knock-on effect, this might explain why some (rather lucky) people have cured their cancer by rectifying just ONE of the above, such as diet, or toxicity or pH. Others may have had success by means that rectify two or more of these issues. Obviously it is best to deliberately rectify them all.

Thus you can see that problems ABCDEFG represent a VICIOUS CIRCLE. Each element tends to promote or support the other. However, [conversely] when you intelligently set out to improve these issues, you start to create a VIRTUOUS CIRCLE, whereby (with a strictly followed anti-cancer protocol) health can be slowly and safely restored.

Of course there are other CAUSES and DRIVERS one could mention, such as inflammation, sugar and other common foodstuffs, along with common toxic substances in the environment one should avoid at all costs. The ultimate point being that cancer is a SYSTEMIC DISEASE (a disease of the system) If the biology of the system has become cancer promoting...then guess what tends to happen!

All of these factors (underlying causes) are normally totally ignored by modern medicine, in favour of attacking the effect - or symptom (tumour) - not the cause. In fact with radiation or chemotherapy ALL of the above listed causes and drivers are made 10 times worse!

Most of the above issues can be rectified naturally with special diet, supplements, super foods, exercise, and other means, enhancing both health and the immune system.

Let's look at a simple formula regarding above list:

If...  A B C D E F and G = CANCER

Why not treat and rectify A B C D E F and G? 

CANCER (minus) A B C D E F G is much less viable.

Targeting and destroying the tumour... (with toxic treatments) on the other hand, leaves ABCDEFG still in place, (and inevitably made worse) making it very likely to create a similar problem in the near future, as often happens.  (This part is NOT theory.)

NOTE: People in parts of the World where cancer is VERY RARE, (including Britain USA etc prior to 1900) would  probably display few of these main CAUSES and DRIVERS such as ABCDEFG above. (These traits are common to modern Western diet and lifestyle)

Studies show that when peoples from countries with very low cancer rates emigrate to the West, and adopt similar diet and lifestyle, they then acquire  the exact same high cancer rates as the rest of us...due to fundamental causes and drivers, such as....ABCDEFG listed.



Once attained, and without such a supportive environment, the tumour is far more vulnerable to natural cancer fighting substances... (of which there are many)....and the newly strengthened immune system itself.

NOTE: Most alternative cancer treatments usually work by achieving this, either directly, or indirectly. They may do it in a variety of different ways, but this factor is probably a major aspect of the process in most cases.

The above is obviously a simplistic formula, and there are other factors known and unknown. Nevertheless it is known that many people have cured their cancer with a similar strategy.

So why does modern medicine insist on ignoring the causes? Perhaps it's just a coincidence but:

Targeting the CAUSES... has zero profit potential.

Targeting the EFFECTS... has massive profit potential.

This might explain why the spearhead of cancer research and technology is focused relentlessly on the effects, which results in a mindset fixated on destroying the all costs. (Get rid of the tumour, and the patient will be just fine) Yet we all know that is often far from true.

I can possibly sympathise with the use of chemotherapy or radiotherapy in the worst case scenario, and for the most aggressive cases, or where things have great urgency about them. (These cases have more in common with the emergency /life saving medical intervention discussed at the beginning of this page.) But in my view, in the vast majority of cases, treating the CAUSES with natural non-toxic methods must be safer, more rational, and ultimately the most logical step.

Am I suggesting that the Cancer Industry ignores these things simply for profit reasons? No. But the Pharmaceutical / Medical Industry in general is not focused on HEALING THE BODY... but on TREATING SYMPTOMS...almost always with chemically formulated DRUGS. The answer to almost every ill is a drug!! This is the nature of modern medicine, and its dependence on pharmaceuticals..



Every other day we read the headlines and see... [named celebrity or famous person's] Cancer Has Come Back...Despite Having Two Courses of Chemotherapy.........etc etc etc. This seems perversely common. If we were to hear of ALL the non-famous victims suffering a similar outcome, we may come to our senses, and demand something better.

In contrast, alternative cancer treatments tend to address the CAUSE, or CAUSES, to reverse the biological crisis we refer to as cancer. Instead of aiming highly toxic substances at the tumour, and at the same time doing immense damage to the immune system and vital organs of the patient, the alternative way is to eliminate or heal the root causes and.... boost the immune system, - which in all probability, was in a poor state of health prior to acquiring cancer in the first place.

It is highly likely that chemicals, including many pharmaceutical drugs, (not just chemo) tend to significantly suppress the immune system, and thus leave a person vulnerable to cancer. It is known that everybody has a number of cancer cells created daily, but the immune system normally devours them. But with a chronically suppressed immune system, some such cells can potentially take hold and grow. We then see a tumour.(or tumours)

Standard Medicine only attacks the EFFECTS...(the tumour) be it with surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy. Yet doing this, almost GUARANTEES that the CAUSES STILL REMAIN...

(i.e. A toxic body... and a chronically suppressed immune system, which is usually left devastated by the toxicity of the treatment!)

This leaves fertile ground...if not perfect soil for cancer to come back. Which it often does!!

Standard treatments only make logical sense from a BUSINESS perspective. Yes I concede that sometimes standard treatment (may) be the best hope - in some cases. And surgery was essential in my own case, (due to a tumour blocking the bowel) but nevertheless, it is surely IRRATIONAL to employ deadly toxins, making the patient 10 times sicker, as the FIRST RESORT for treating cancer.

You might say; Yes but cancer is deadly!

But so are the highly toxic treatments! Many die as a direct result of chemo. Others are left with a grave amount of damage. The fact that an often small minority survive 5 years or more seems to justify the whole approach.

The above "FORMULA" is clearly a broad-brush explanation or theory...which then requires a truly rational cancer protocol, in order to exploit the logic of the approach.

Many natural non-toxic treatments exist that offer far greater results. I personally rejected chemotherapy, (which I felt would finish me off) and followed the The Bill Henderson Protocol which, to my mind, falls into the perfectly logical category...or at least one of the best available at the current time.

Another great book on the subject of alternative cancer treatments is written
 by Ty Bollinger, called  Cancer: Step Outside The Box

Needless to say, I believe that had Medical Science and the Cancer Industry taken this path, and deployed its massive resources in the direction of true healing...dealing with the fundamental causes, - rather than SYMPTOM BUSTING...dealing with the effects, - then perhaps we would be in a far better situation regarding both cancer, and other major diseases.

Top physicist suggests current cancer theory is wrong.  Recently, the National Cancer Institute conscripted a top theoretical physicist without any medical knowledge or training, to crack cancer. Professor Paul Davies and his team of leading scientists have come to some startling conclusions. His talk on cancer can be seen in this post, where amazingly, his conclusions on cancer suggest Orthodox medicine has got it badly wrong, and much of his theory on cancer has much more in common with alternative cancer doctors and writers! (The ones commonly referred to as quacks!!) Read more, see video