Sunday, 7 August 2016

How Cancer Can Be Your Own Body

Important Scientific Findings...Suggest that Cellular Health is Paramount in Regard to Cancer

Below is an extract from a report I discovered from 2010.

Scientists have discovered how cancer is naturally ELIMINATED...or not... by your own body...depending on whether the 'normal cells' surrounding cancer cells are strong and healthy...or not. 

This could help explain why and how most alternative cancer treatments obtain success, given that creating and  promoting a healthy cellular environment is a key aspect of the strategy in most cases.

Below we see scientific proof that when cancer cells are in an area surrounded by weak or unhealthy [normal] cells, (now common due to modern diet and environment issues) cancer will thrive. Conversely, if surrounded by robust healthy cells, these cells effectively over-run and eventually eliminate cancer cells which are unable to prevail.

As a rule, a healthy cellular environment will not allow cancer to survive!

Consider the following report from MailOnline
How the gladiatorial battle between cells and tumours could change the way we treat cancer By DAILY MAIL REPORTER 
A discovery about the way healthy cells and tumours do battle in the body could open up completely new strategies for tackling cancer, it was claimed today.
Scientists showed for the first time that normal and cancerous cells in mammals engage in deadly gladiatorial contests.
The losers are killed by a process of induced biological suicide called apoptosis. 

Which it will be - healthy or tumour cells - is decided by genes and proteins.
If the balance is in favour of the cancer cells, they will cut a swathe through the healthy cells around them and spread.
However, if the healthy cells get the upper hand, they will surround and eliminate the cancer cells. Although 'cell wars' of this kind have been seen before in fruit flies, scientists did not know until now that they also occurred in mammals - presumably including humans.
In future, it may be possible to 'tip the balance' so that healthy cells win in the struggle with cancer, experts believe.
Dr Yasuyuki Fujita, who led the Medical Research Council team at University College London, said: 'This is the first time that we have seen cancer cells being killed simply by being surrounded by healthy cells.
'If we can build on this knowledge and improve our understanding of how this happens, in the future we may be able to find a way to enhance this ability and develop a totally new way of preventing and treating cancer.'
The research, reported today in the online journal Public Library of Science (PLoS) Biology, has implications for treating common solid tumours of the sort that form in the breast, prostate, lung, stomach and bowel. 
The scientists carried out experiments on laboratory-cultured dog kidney cells, and identified two key proteins that helped determine the outcome of the contest between 'good' and 'bad' cells.
Cancer cells that lacked the proteins, called Lgl and Mahjong - after the Chinese board game - were likely to end up the losers.
The mutant cells underwent cell suicide when they were surrounded by cells in which the proteins were active. 
In cells without Mahjong, over-producing Lgl did not prevent apoptosis. But the same was not true in reverse - cells missing Lgl did not self-destruct when they had a surfeit of Mahjong.
The effects were thought to involve a well-known cell-signalling pathway called JNK, which is known to be linked to cancer. JNK signalling was raised in both Lgl and Mahjong mutants.
The scientists wrote: 'The demonstration of cell competition in mammalian tissues is an exciting step forward into understanding the interaction between carcinogenic cells and their surrounds.
'These findings identify Mahjong and Lgl as important proteins that can decide whether a cell is destined to survive that competition. 
'Influencing who wins when cells compete may yield novel therapies for treatment of human cancers if researchers can develop interventions to swing the balance of power back toward normal cells.MailOnline

Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Ironically, modern cancer treatments do the exact opposite!

The problem with these findings, which almost certainly apply to human cancers also, is that they will not fit with the current model of cancer preferred by either the cancer industry, or big pharma, as toxic drugs nor radiotherapy can in truth, create healthy cells, (usually the exact opposite) and this can patently only be achieved through nutritional protocols and natural supplements to create a healthier cellular environment.

Needless to say, chemotherapy devastates the cellular environment using toxic substances that hope to exploit various weaknesses in cancer cells, hoping that the normal cells, being technically stronger, will survive the toxicity, and prevail, while the cancer is killed off.

However, the above scientific findings tend to support the thinking behind the nutrition-based approach at the heart of most alternative cancer treatments. The key is to enhance cellular health, in terms of nutrition and pH etc and avoiding deficiency and unnecessary toxicity. The scientific jargon and intricacies are less important than the principal discovery reported.

The fact that truly healthy cells can out-gun cancer cells is a huge finding, and a big clue as to how best to beat cancer, and also a big clue as to how cancer gets started in its early stages. We have heard nothing from the medical profession on this potential approach to cancer, after all, how could the cancer industry possibly profit from this methodology?

So how do you boost the health of your cells?

Firstly, the site of any cancerous tumour is likely to be within an area of toxicity, or toxic build-up, as in the case of lung cancer where toxic chemicals (from smoking for example) can play a major role in the formation of that disease in most cases. There can also be other elements that create an area of unhealthy cells, such as papiloma virus and various types of fungus or pathogens etc that can undermine health in parts of the body or create dysfunction of some kind.

Secondly, poor diet and lack of sound nutrition can also lead to poor cellular health, given that your body is made up of the nutrients you consume.  For example, sugar creates all sorts of havoc in the body, and can result in diseases such as diabetes etc. Sort of proof that your cellular health is grossly affected in a negative way. Ditto trans fats, and a whole variety of questionable highly processed products we may consume.

Thirdly, we live in an ultra toxic environment, and most people are oblivious to the huge mix of  toxic chemicals we breath in or take in through the skin on a daily basis.

To solve this problem and address these issues quickly, one needs to focus on exceptional nutrition, bearing in mind that your cells are continuously being replaced and renewed, so change can be quite swift if done to a set protocol of measures designed to improve cellular health....while avoiding things that add to toxicity, where possible.

To counter the above issues, there are various supplements and substances that can possibly boost cellular health, such as, (for example), Essiac tea, - or tincture, (a famous formula of several herbs) which may have the effect of detoxifying and building healthy blood etc, as well as apparently killing cancer cells. There are many other substances known to boost cellular health, include barley grass, wheat grass, selenium, vitamins minerals etc etc. However, at the base there needs to be a very healthy diet, preferably organic, and full of natural health promoting elements.

Regular exercise and deep breathing also adds significantly to cellular health.

The main point is that healthy cells are created chiefly by healthy nutritious foods, and can possibly be boosted by renowned natural substances that act in concert to create an environment where cancer cannot thrive.

Conversely, unhealthy cells are created by poor diet and inadequate nutrition, along with toxic chemicals and pollution.

Avoid Sugar, (cancers main food) which also creates havoc in many other ways, along with all cakes, and highly processed foods that have minimal nutritional value.

Finally, one can avoid STRESS which is known to massively impact on body chemistry by producing stress hormones and chemicals that flood the bloodstream and harm many aspects of health at the cellular level. Thus lifestyle can be a significant factor...good or bad.

Bruce Lipton Explains How your cells...and Your DNA are Within Your Control...if You Change the Environment, Your Diet and Your Beliefs!

This will blow your mind... and, explain how your body cells REALLY work, and how health, or lack of health, are down to how your cells perceive the world, and what you believe!

Published on Jan 23, 2015

The Biology of Belief is a groundbreaking work in the field of new biology. Author Dr. Bruce H. Lipton is a former medical school professor and research scientist. His experiments, and those of other leading-edge scientists, have examined in great detail the mechanisms by which cells receive and process information. The implications of this research radically change our understanding of life. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.

Dr. Liptons's profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest and best research in cell biology and quantum physics is being hailed as a major breakthrough, showing that our bodies can be changed as we retrain our thinking. Full information from Dr. Lipton's website can be found here ...

PS: This is cutting-edge scientific knowledge, not mumbo jumbo.

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Can You Trust The Cancer Industry?

New Cancer Drug Illustrates Ineffectiveness of Mainstream Cancer Treatment

Mainstream medicine and drug maker Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) are touting BMS’s new cancer drug Opdivo (nivolumab) as a “breakthrough” that offers the hope of longer life. A closer look reveals just how cruel and deceptive such claims are and how the new drug, rather than being a new breakthrough, is just one more example of mainstream medicine’s false promises and an indictment of the mainstream medicine’s failure in treating cancer.
One prominently featured TV ad utilizes an attractive view of Chicago as a backdrop and smiling healthy looking actors portraying lung cancer patients. The ad boldly proclaims that Opdivo is a huge breakthrough which works with the patient’s own immune system to “at last offer the hope for longer life” for chemotherapy patients.
Another overblown advertisement for Opdivo proclaims:
Researchers have made what looks like a “once in a generation” breakthrough in fighting cancer, advancing a technique that could become one of the “pillars of oncology,” next to surgery and chemotherapy. The technique enables the immune system, which ordinarily treats malignant cancer cells as if they were healthy, normal cells, to identify and attack tumors.Sounds great, doesn’t it? But what are the “fine print” and audio disclaimers that are slipped in while our attention is diverted by the backdrop and actors? Well, first of all there are the warnings that Opdivo can cause the immune system to attack healthy organs with possible fatal results. Not so great, huh? Among the immune disorders caused by the new drug are Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and Lupus. And then there is the real clincher: In clinical trials of patients with lung cancer, patients who took Opdiva survived for an average of 9.2 months compared to 6 months for those took chemotherapy alone.
Are you kidding me? Only three additional months of life for a cost of up to $100,000? And it is worth nothing that the quality of life during those extra months can be horrific – in one trial which used the new drug in combination with another BMS immune boosting drug (ipilimumab), 30 percent of the patients in the trial dropped out because the side effects became more than they could tolerate. Read more... The truth About Cancer, with Ty Bollinger.